A lot of time has been spent in the garage and shop preparing and cleaning the parts that I have and doing some mock assembly of the miscellaneous bits that I have on hand. Here's a bit of a list:
- Del'Orto SI 24/24E carburetor is mostly assembled and ready for installation. I just need to run some carb cleaner through it to make sure no dirt is lurking in the interior.
- I got the air box that houses the carburetor cleaned last night. Whoah! It was super dirty, but it was no match for the solvent I used on it.
- All the cabling is installed in the frame. Shifting, clutch, throttle, rear brake cables all run and ready to go. I even have a new electrical wiring loom installed.
I had always intended to convert this scooter over to 10" wheels from the default 8" wheels, but after getting it on the road and enjoying it for a while. That has all changed. JJ had a 10" Sprint fork in his pile o' parts and he was generous enough to part with it. So, now I have stripped the 8" fork of all the useful parts and have started prepping the 10" fork. I did a mock installation of the new fork and it seems that this is a perfect match for my frame. No cutting of the steering tube or extending of the threads is needed. I'll be installing the bearing races tonight and starting to look at what all I need to do to the mudguard to make it work with this fork.
In the coming week or two here is what I'll be hoping to get done:
- Install fork and attach the headset.
- Get the stator finished. 12v electronics. No battery, no evil points.
- Prep the engine for final assembly and get it assembled.
- Acquire and install all the rubber moulding bits on the frame.
This should get me close to having a road worthy scooter again.