Saturday, February 19, 2011

More engine work complete

I got a chance this weekend to put in a few hours of work on the engine for my VBB. I had to enlarge the case ports to accommodate the Malossi 166cc cylinder kit that I'll be using. Here are a few pictures I took to document what I did.


Partial cuts on the flywheel side:

Mostly completed:

With the Malossi base gasket on:

Lots of fun doing all the work on this. I got a new Dremel and the flexible shaft attachment for this project as my old off brand Dremel knock off kinda gave up the ghost. It really made me realize how the right tools really make the job easier.

I'll be taking the engine to my buddy JJ so he can inspect the case porting I've done and make sure it's adequate.

Barring any more need to expand the case ports, final assembly of the engine will be this coming week. After that, work on the frame begins.

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

New shots of the engine for the VBB

I'll post descriptions later.

Flywheel side

Clutch side

Gear box and clutch side bearings

Flywheel side case half, showing the kickstart gear

Drive side with the 10" backing plate in place

Drive side with the rear hub in place